Wednesday, September 7, 2011


I live in a very interesting neighborhood. I'm living in an apartment that has houses all around the back and part of one side but it is also close to a main street so there are also several restaurants, a supermarket, and little shops nearby so it's a nice mixture of all kinds of things. One of the nearby shops also has several plots of plants and vegetables planted next to my apartment building so the contrast between plantings and the bike parking lot or the back lot of the supermarket is interesting. And the supermarket is open 24 hours so there are always people. There's a preschool and a park within a 3 minute walk and a lot of families live around me so there are always kids around. And I live 5 minutes away from the local university so I also see a lot of the students on their way to classes or on their way home. The roads around me definitely do not follow a grid pattern so I get lost a lot but everyone in the neighborhood that I've talked to is really sweet and helpful and I've always been able to find my way back. I've had lots of great conversations with mothers from the preschool too! My host sister often wants me to take her to school when I have a morning free or come pick her up when I get home early. One thing that I'm kind of interested in exploring is the relationships between all the families that live in my apartment building. So far I haven't met a single person, aside from my host family, that lives in my apartment building which is different from my experiences in apartment buildings in the US so I'm interested in how the residents all relate to each other.

I still need to take pictures to add to this but there are my comments so far. I'm having trouble getting my computer to read my SD card so I think I need to find an external SD reader to get my pictures out of the camera which is frustrating.

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